Helping a successful business to reach the next level through operational excellence
This family-owned pharmaceuticals company with successful international operations had grown rapidly. The company wanted to drive efficiency and leverage cutting-edge technology to stay ahead of the curve and continue its growth trajectory.
To achieve this, the business needed to reimagine operations as an end-to-end function. This called for a thorough review encompassing supply chain strategy; demand & supply chain planning; sourcing & procurement; manufacturing; logistics & distribution.
Inside perspective
BRIS Consulting got to know the operations function inside-out and built a rapport with employees across
hierarchies in all locations.
From observations and interviews, we identified the need to conduct a structured assessment to understand the culture of the business, particularly from an operations perspective. We used validated methodologies to
benchmark the internal culture and identify areas for development.
Achieving best-in-class
The family-run ethos presented strongly in our findings. Across the sites, employees demonstrated a high-level of engagement, strong work ethic and a dedication to continuous improvement.
However, to truly support the company’s vision for continued growth we needed to instil rigour and measurement.
Operations needed to shift from process-led to output-driven.
Continuing to drive operational excellence
BRIS Consulting guided senior leadership to transition to best-in-class operations.
We conducted one-to-one coaching to drive organisational change and set out actionable steps to propel the business which included:
- Adoption of a balance scorecard which maps where the business is now to its optimal future state
- Defining and communicating strategic priorities and objectives
- Organisational redesign, integrating end-to-end operations
- Identifying opportunities to utilise technology and preparing a digitalisation road map to elevate operations to the next level
We continue to provide consulting services for the business in support of the company’s vision.
Get in touch to discuss your specific needs and how we can help to strengthen your business.